Blog > Bilingual Nurses!

Bilingual Nurses!


Are you a bilingual nurse?

If so, you are essential to quality healthcare.

Bilingual nurses:

  1. Educate and empower. Some of the biggest healthcare gaps come from
    communication issues, often when providers do not speak the patients’ language. As a
    bilingual nurse, you have the ability to give patients a clear picture of their situation and
    present options that enable them to make educated decisions. This also helps develop
    relationships between provider and patient, as both sides feel they are fully heard and
  2. Support and advocate. Families of patients often need as much support as the patients
    themselves, if not more. Bilingual nurses can advocate for them and address their
    concerns and desires. They can also understand cultural needs that may otherwise go
    unaddressed in standard healthcare practices.
  3. Lower risk of confusion or misunderstanding. Language gaps can cause health
    risks. For example, if a patient cannot communicate an allergy or preexisting condition, it
    can cause complications for providers. Bilingual nurses can help gather necessary
    information, prevent issues, and provide clear explanations to both providers and
  4. Break down cultural barriers. Religious and cultural beliefs can impact healthcare
    choices. It is important for providers to have context for these choices in a respectful
    environment to ensure the best care for the patient. Bilingual nurses who are familiar
    with these cultural nuances can explain these beliefs and facilitate discussion to ensure
    that everyone’s needs are met.
  5. Set patients at ease and give follow-up support. Fear and discomfort can be blocks
    in a healthcare setting and may have an effect on long-term outcomes. This is especially
    so for patients who do not speak English and may be unable to communicate their
    needs. Having someone on the team who literally speaks their language can help them
    relax and cooperate more easily with providers. Bilingual nurses can also provide follow-
    up support to empower the patient for the long term.

We are thrilled to work with bilingual nurses! Give us a call!
